Getting back to intercourse soon after treatment can also help prevent these problems. Different positions during intercourse, especially sitting or lying on top of your partner, may let you move in pleasurable ways. Although significant improvement can be expected after the first month of treatment with estrogen-containing creams, more time (often 6 to 12 months or more) is required to fully restore the genitourinary tract to its normal state. This time lag also occurs when systemic therapy is used. Vaginal dilators require prolonged regular use before they achieve maximal lengthening and stretching of the vagina. If treatment is begun early, a more rapid response can be expected. The penis is an excellent dilator; therefore repeated attempts at intercourse with adequate natural or artificial lubrication, gentleness and persistence are likely to succeed. Do not be discouraged if initial attempts at penetration or complete penetration are unsuccessful or painful. Several months of treatment with hormone creams are usually necessary for a complete response. • Anxiety Fear and anxiety may prevent the normal flow of vaginal fluids in response to sexual stimulation. Correction of this situation requires a number of combined treatments: application of a lubricating cream or gel plus relaxation plus communication with your partner. Taking a little more time to enjoy foreplay may promote relaxation, enhance sexual response and increase vaginal lubrication. Sometimes anxiety can lead to a spasm of the pelvic muscles, which blocks the vaginal passage and prevents penetration. Continuing attempts at penetration may therefore be very painful. Consultation with a sex counselor may help you overcome the problem. This condition is readily treatable, so do not be discouraged if your initial attempts are unsuccessful.